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13 Facts about Women every Men must Know!

13 Facts about Women every Men must Know!

13 Facts about Women every Men must Know! – Generally, women have been considered one of the wonders of creation. The nature of the woman is quite a one that continuously attracts interest. While men have been able to solve many puzzles, solution to the puzzle known as woman remains a mystery.

For decades, men have been having constant struggle just to understand their woman better. As good as these attempts of unmasking the woman have been, it seems the women folk are always evolving and becomes a harder puzzle to solve. sbobet365

Though many facts have been exposed about the nature of the women, still yet are many surprising facts which will just blow your mind off when you get to realize this about your woman. This is not a collection of your normal women are from Venus story; so sit back and enjoy these interesting facts about your woman. www.americannamedaycalendar.com

For the sake of love, women change their original surname
Yes! That is right, may be you have never realized that before, but it is true in any case, when she got married to you, she had to let go of her old identity just to take up your identity. She changes her name to yours; an act of self –sacrifice. How would you feel if you have to change that your cherished surname to some girls surname just because you are getting married to her? I’m pretty certain you may not like the feeling. But your woman does it all the same, even when that your surname is not beautiful.

For the sake of love, women abandoned their biological family to start a new home with a stranger
This is another interesting fact about women which you might not have paid attention to, how long did you know your wife before getting married? Probably less than a year, but despite the facts that you’ve known her for just short period, she stills abandons her biological family whom she has known all her life just to start a new home with you.

Sex is an emotional thing for women.
For the male folks, sex is more of a physical pleasure, this is not so in women, to them sex is emotional and their gratification is fulfilled emotionally just by knowing that the man is interested in having sex with them.

13 Facts about Women every Men must Know!

When woman are angry they don’t mean half of what they say
You may have cultivate the habit of staying away from your woman when she is angry, at those moments, she could say many incredulous things, but you must understand that it’s not your woman that is really talking at those moments. Half of what she is saying she doesn’t meant and hours later she won’t even remember that she said those things, therefore, never take what women say seriously in their moments of anger.

Women are like schools men will never graduate from
Do you find this funny? I bet you do. But this simply points to the dynamic and complex nature of the woman. She is constantly evolving, coming up with new attributes every day eve if you have been married for five years, you can never completely understand your woman, and there is that surprising complexity in her just like in every other woman. That is why men have been often advised “don’t try too much too understand your woman, just love her”. You may never understand her completely.

Women spend 120 hours a year or five day admiring their reflection in the mirror
A woman spends not less than 5 whole days of the year doing nothing else than admiring herself in the mirror. This fact may not be so strange considering how important a woman’s appearance is to her. So please when next your wife is spending so much time in front of the mirror, don’t yell at her, it is just a woman’s nature.

Women are constantly in lack of what to wear!
This is one of the most intriguing facts about women, even though they have their wardrobe stuffed with clothes to last them a life time. It is common to hear them complaining that they have nothing to wear.

13 Facts about Women every Men must Know!

Women spend almost a year of their life deciding what wear
It is also a known fact that an average woman spends almost a year of her life just deciding on what to wear. Women never seemed to make up their mind when it comes to dressing and most times they only settled for a particular dress after getting the approvals of others to wear that particular dress.

Women blinks twice as men
An average woman blinks almost as twice as a man. In a minute, a woman blinks for not less than 19 times while the man only blinks11times within the same time frame.

Women are more flatulent than men
It is often believed that men are more flatulent than women, but contrary to this widely held belief, women are the more flatulent ones, so when next times someone farts in the room, instead of looking for the next guy to accuse, you might as well turn your attention to that charming beauty beside you.

Nothing actually means something
When a woman use that phrase for you, don’t get fooled by it, because it is not really nothing, there is so much more to it and you may have to do further probing to get her talk and open up to you. Nothing means quite a lot to a woman.

Women are like children at heart
When a woman cries, just like a child they like to be cuddled, even when she is proving too hard for the man, it is not surprising to see them crying quietly in their closets.

Women dresses nicely for anything
Generally, women loves looking nice, and it is their nature to dress decently for anything, a woman will apply make-up to go do shopping for grocery, to pick the phone and even just to empty the trash can.

While some of these facts about women have been informative, some have been educative and others out rightly funny. We however hope that you enjoyed reading these facts.